Victor Cui

What's up, I'm Victor. I'm a sophomore computer science student at UNC Chapel-Hill. I graduated from Cypress Bay High School (in Weston, FL) in 2014. I'm a software engineer and a budding developer. I love attending Hackathons and chatting about programming languages, web development, and how hard C++ is. My skills include Java , C++ , and web development. I'm always looking to improve my technical skills, and I'm looking for 2015 summer internships!

In my free time, I enjoy Indie rock, playing basketball, and hanging out with friends. In the future, I hope to explore major U.S. cities like Seattle and New York City. On the right is a picture of me and my brother (He mistakenly thinks his expression is cool). Get to know me; I don't bite!

Random message generator: This message will change in 7 seconds

This site was made from scratch using HTML, CSS, Javascript, & JQuery.

Picture of me and my brother